Thermal Behaviour of the LY zeros in the O(3) model. CompPhys12 Conference. Leipzig. Germany, 2012.
Complex Temperature Zeros in the partition function of the 3D Ising model. CompPhys11 Conference. Leipzig. Germany, 2011.
Characterizing a strong first order phase transition on a 3D diluted system. SigmaPhi2011 Conference. Larnaca. Cyprus, 2011.
Study of the 3D Ising Model using Fisher Zeros. BIFI2011 Conference. Zaragoza. Spain, 2011.
IBERCIVIS: A BOINC-based platform for Scientific Computing. COMPPHYS10 Conference. Leipzig. Germany, 2010.
Phase Transitions in Disordered Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation Defence. Badajoz, Spain. January 19, 2010.
Universality Revisited: Logarithmic Corrections in the two and four dimensional diluted Ising model viewed through the Lee-Yang zeros. III Reunion Nacional BIFI. Zaragoza, Spain. February 6, 2009.
First Order Phase Transition Behavior in Presence of Dilution in 3D. EPSCMD22 Conference. Roma. August 25, 2008.